Creating a Space for Kurdish Creators

Funding is just the start when you work with the Eyan Foundation. As a grant recipient, you’ll join a community of passionate artists, working to bring the passion and zest for life of the Kurdish people to the world’s stage. 

Here you’ll find an overview of the grant process, the grant application, and our most frequently asked questions to guide you on your journey. Should you have any questions, please feel free to contact us at anytime.

Afirandina Cihekî Taybet bo Afrînerên Kurd

Diravdayîn bitenê destpêk e dema ku tu xebatê bi Dezgeha Eyan re bike. Wek kesekî sûdwergirê alîkariya diravî, tê beşdarî civaka hunermendên pispor bibe, ku xebatê dikin bo nîşandan û parvekirina ciwanî û behremendiya gelê kurd bi cîhanê re.

Li vê rûpelê tê nerînek giştî li ser pêvajoya diravdanê bibîne, serîlêdana alîkariyê, û pirsên herî têne pirsîn ji bo alîkariya te bike û rê li ber daxwaza te asan bike. Ger pirsên te hebin, bi serbestî dikare herdem pêwendiyê bi me re bike.

Overview of the Grant Process | Pêdeçûna giştî ya pêvajoya Dana Peran

Eligibility | Mafdarî

You are an artist, educator, or creator with Kurdish heritage, or an artist supporting bringing Kurdish culture to the world stage.
Ger tu hunermend bî, mamoste, yan jî afirîner bî ku li ser çand û kelepora kurdî dixebete, yan jî hunermendek e ku piştgiriyê dide çanda kurdî da ku wê li qada cîhanê bide nîşan û naskirin.

Application Deadlines | Demên Serîlêdanê

The Eyan Foundation accepts grant requests throughout the year. We encourage you to submit before the deadlines listed below.
Dezgeha Eyan di seranserî salê de daxwazên alîkariyê qebûl dike. Lê em ji we daxwaz dikin ku hûn pêşwextî ev hersê demên li jêr nîşankirî daxwazên xwe radestî me bikin.

• April 30 | 30ê Nîsanê
• August 31 | 31ê Tebaxê
• December 31 | 31ê Kanûn

Application Process | Pêvajoya Serîlêdanê

To apply, submit a request using the form below. You will be asked to provide the following:

Vision Statement: Describe your vision for how your work impacts the Kurdish community

Funding Request: Describe the project you are seeking support for. Include any challenges you’re facing, your goals for the work, timeline for the project.

What will the funds be used for? Include all major categories of expenses. 

Fundraising Status Report: Include all sources of support in hand or anticipated, including totals donated.

Ji bo serîlêdanê, divê tu bi rêka vê forma jêrîn daxwaza xwe bişîne. Ji we tê xwestin ku tê van daxwazên jêrîn peyda bike û bi daxwazê re bişîne.

Daxuyaniya Nerînê: Nêrîna xwe ji bo daxwazê şîrove bike û bê çawa wê karê te bandorê li ser civaka kurdî bike.

Daxwaza Alîkariya Diravî: Projeya ku tu piştgiriya diravî jê re dixwaze şîrove bike. Her wiha jî pirsgirêkên ku rastî te tên di dema kar de, şîrove bike, armancên vê pirojê û dema pêwîst  zelel bike.

Wê ev diravên alîkariyê  ji bo çi werin bikar anîn? Hemî beşên sereke yên xerckirinê jî diyar bike.

Rapora Rewşa berhevkirina diravî: Hemî çavkaniyên piştgiriya xwebexşî yên bi destan yan yên pêşbînkirî bên nişandan, tevî jimara tevahiya alîkariyên xwebexşî di vê raportê de be.

Application | Serîlêdan


Before You Apply

  • The Eyan Foundation mission is to fund cultural initiatives and projects that amplify the voices of Kurdish people. This includes work across multiple mediums including: film, art, photography, sculpture, performance, and more.

  • Yes, if your project or work helps to amplify the passion and zest for life of the Kurdish people we would love your application.

  • Yes, The Eyan Foundation mission is to amplify Kurdish voices and artists and bring their art to a broader audience.

  • TBD

  • Right now grants are awarded on an annual basis only.

  • The Eyan Foundation will not fund or recognize work or projects that glorify war or violence, or are discriminatory to any race, gender, country, or group.

Applying for Funding

  • Yes, the grants will be issued in USD.

  • Complete the application in full and be clear in your vision and mission and how they tie to our vision of amplifying Kurdish culture and voices. Please also include your estimated budget.

  • Complete the application in full and limit to 2,500 words or less

  • If you have collateral materials that help bring your vision to life there is an option for attachments within the grant application.

  • In 2023, there are three application deadlines: April 30, August 31, December 31. Once those grant application cycles are closed, The Eyan Foundation will reach out to all grant applicants with their decision within 60 days.

  • Applications will be reviewed by a committee of proud members of the Kurdish community

After the Decision

  • Grant commitments will be paid within 30 business days.

  • You may apply for funding once per calendar year.

  • Yes! Please tag The Eyan Foundation (insert handle here).

  • The Eyan Foundation will report financial and impact metrics annually